Smooth pencil -- the pencils are very smooth and not too thick. They are well balanced, you can hold them without having to tighten up your hand muscles, so drawing is looser and freer
Woodless pencil -- the woodless pencils have a coating on them, no wood, so you won't get graphite all over your hands. Suitable for kids/children, colour from the page will not rub all over their hand, sleeve.,Please don't worry
Functional graphite pencil -- deep charcoal colour. Compared to regular pencil, the woodless one is angled to create wide lines and make shading easier. Apart from creating art,you can also use it in your office work
No need sharpener -- wonderful pencils for art work, and don't use a sharpener, just shade in while keeping the length of the tip while letting it roll a bit and you wont have to waste any of the pencil
Must know -- the only thing to be careful of is dropping them - they will shatter. Fine graphite pencils set gift for practice sketches, students or hobbyists